Tuesday, July 18, 2006

So Tired

Well, after 3 nights of inking from 11pm until 6am the next morning, I can officially say that the art for the 6 page pitch of FORCES of NATURE (formerly known as Robots vs Monsters) is complete! I don't think I've ever created 6 pages of comic art so fast. And, better yet, the pages rock! They might even be the strongest pages I've done, ever!

Michael and Jason R. have been cooking up the format and content of the pitch package and it looks awesome. And, Kel Nuttall has supplied some unbelievable lettering that kicks the pages into orbit! I'll be very surprised (and devastated) if this pitch doesn't generate some interest from a few publishers.

I leave for San Diego tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully, I'll get some much needed sleep before then.

Wish us luck!


Blogger Mike Exner III said...

I'm late in coming with this, Jason, but I wish you the best of luck anyway! Hopefully you guys wowed everybody you showed the project off to, and I'm anxious to see some of the art. I like the title "Forces of Nature" a lot too, it really fits with the theme without being blatant (like the original). I haven't visited this blog in a while, and I am shamed. I really admire your work, and I'll be around much more often, my friend.

July 26, 2006 7:42 PM  
Blogger Jason Copland said...

Thanks, Mike!

San Diego went well. We got some attention with our pitch.... now we need to follow up and see where we stand.

That Four Gunmen page you just put up on your blog is excellent!

July 27, 2006 1:46 PM  

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