Saturday, May 03, 2008

I Dig A Pony

Let's talk comics for a second, shall we?

I've noticed that I haven't given a shout out to any of the swell comic titles I've been enjoying for quite some time. I've cut down on the number of books I follow but here's a quick list of some of them I've been diggin':

The Perhapanuats - by Todd Dezago, Craig Rousseau and Rico Renzi
I've dug this title since the first Dark Horse mini series from a few years ago. The book got a second mini series arc at DH before it went into limbo for a while. But good news was announced recently that it found a home at Image Comics and will be an ongoing series! The first issue of the ongoing title is out at your comic shops right now and it is excellent! And it has a Art Adams cover variant, too!!

Walking Dead - Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard
Another book I've been following since it's inception. Always entertaining. And moving at a mind numbing speed. No one is safe in this book.

Robotika - Alex Sheikman
I love love love Alex's book. The second Robotika series is named "For a Few Rubles More" and the first issue was full of amazing art. Alex is really pushing his layouts and pacing in some way innovative ways. The book has hit a production bump (no fault of Alex) but the second book should be coming out very soon!

Dynamo 5 - Jay Faerber and Mahmud A. Asrar
I don't usually read superhero related comics these days (a few of you know my stance on that), but Dynamo 5 seems to make all the right moves to keep me interested. It helps that I really love Asrar's art.... but major props to Faerber, too, he's got something good here.

Therefore Repent! - Jim Munroe and Salgood Sam
"a post-Rapture graphic novel" is how the book is described on its' cover. Having almost zero connection to religion in my personal history, I admit that parts of this book went directly over my head... but I caught more than enough to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. Plus, the art by Sam is top notch.

5 - Gabriel Bá, Becky Cloonan, Fabio Moon, Vasilis Lolos, and Rafael Grampa
I picked this up at SDCC last year and was blown away by the beautiful art. The stories are short but entertaining. This book is one of the books POSTCARDS is up against in the 2008 Best Anthology category in this year's Eisner Awards.



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